The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 1

The Islamic Bulletin Volume I No. 1 Page 4 Teachings of the Prophet saw Morals and Good Manners Truthfulness and Justice The Holy Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) has said: “My Ummah will keep flourishing as long as it retains the following three characteristics - (1) they speak the truth when they talk; (2) they administer justice when they decide the affairs of the people; and (3) they are merciful on weaklings when request for a mercy is made.” (All agreed - Abu Ya’la) Restraint The Holy Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) has said: “No deed of a man will be of any avail if he does not possess the following three characteristics - (1) he does not indulge in sexual immorality; (2) he forbears if some foolhard attacks him; (3) he deals with people gentlemanly.” (Tabarani) Trustfulness Trustworthiness vs. Falsehood, and Breach of Trust Hadrat Abdullah bin Masud (raa) has reported the Holy Prophet (pbuh) saying, “Adhere to truth, for truth leads to good deeds and good deeds lead to Paradise. If a man continues to speak the truth and makes truth his object, he will be recorded in Allah’s presence as eminently truthful. Avoid falsehood, for falsehood lead to wickedness and the wickedness leads to Hell; and if a man continues to speak falsehood and makes falsehood his object, he will be recorded in Allah’s presence as a great liar. (Bukhari - Muslim - Mishkat) Patience Hadrat Abu Hurairah (raa) has reported the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as saying, “Shall I not guide you to something for which Allah blots out sins and raises men’s ranks?” When his hearers expressed their desire that he should tell them he said, “Performing complete ablution although circumstances make it difficult, traveling far to mosques, and looking expectantly to the next time of prayer after the prayers have been said. That is the defense of the frontier.” Note: ‘Defense and the Frontier’ are meant in spiritual sense, as a defense against infidelity and wrongdoing. (Muslim - Tirmizi) Hadrat Ibn Abbas (raa) has related that the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “There are four things such that if one gets them one gets the good of this world as well as of the hereafter. These things are: (1) a heart that is thankful, (2) a tongue that remembers Allah constantly, (3) a person who is patient in the face of hardships and (4) a wife who does not willingly misappropriate her husband’s trust and his belongings as well as her body. (Baihaqi - Muslim) A human mind is never blank. Sometimes conditions are agreeable and at other times disagreeable. In the former case, he has been advised to be thankful, while in the latter, he should be patient. It means that thankfulness and patience are to be the regular features of a man’s everyday life. Never forget this aspect of human life and then see for yourself how peaceful your life becomes. Gratitude Hadrat Abu Hurairah (raa) has reported the Holy Prophet (SAW)as saying, “When one of you looks at someone who is superior to him in property and appearance, he should also look at someone who is inferior to him.” (Bukhari and Muslim) A version by Muslim states, “Look at those who are less fortunate than yourself and do not look at others whom you think are superior to you, for that is more liable to keep you from despising Allah’s favor to you.” Hadrat Suhaib (raa) has reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said, “It is remarkable that everything turns out well for a believer while that applies only to a believer. If happiness befalls him, he thanks and it turns out well for him; and if misfortune befalls him, he shows endurance and it turns out well for him.” (Muslim) Contentment and Self Satisfaction