The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 17

Page 15 7KH ,VODPLF %XOOHWLQ ,VVXH 68-22' $1' '8·$ The word Du’a means supplication. It is a communication and dialogue between a believer and Allah. One may make Du’a in any place, in any language, and in any position. The best position to ask Allah (swt) from and to make Du’a in, is while making Sujood. During Sujood, the Du’a is more often accepted by Allah. The best position for dialogue with Allah is during Sujood. The best position to meet Allah in (i.e., death) is while in Sujood. The best way to thank Allah and to praise Him is while prostrating. For this reason the Prophet (pbuh) said: “The closest position that a person can be from God is at the time of Sujood; hence increase your Du’a’.” (Ahmad, Muslim, Dawood) While prostrating in Salat, a Muslim says three times: “Glory be to my Lord the Highest; and gratitude be to Him.” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Perform Sujood in abundance. Anytime you prostrate to Allah one Sujood, Allah will elevate you one step and erase one mistake for you.” The real Du’a’ in Sujood is when a person feels and lives a few moments of their life in communion with Allah. When a person is engulfed in the spirituality [and physicality] of Sujood they are momentarily outside of this world. The Du’a’ comes not only from the lips but from the totality of their being...the organs, the bodily systems, the cells, molecules, atoms, nuclei, electrons, neutrons, protons...every part and parcel of that person is with Allah at that moment. When a person reaches this level of communication (called Tadarru) they are not aware of anything else around them. They are taken out of themselves spiritually and their bodies are manipulated in physically beneficial movements. A person suffering from depression or stress is relieved on all levels through Sujood. They do not have to go through hypnosis to remember subconscious ideas, to find a source of relaxation or to feel at peace. The communion with Allah puts them mentally in a relaxed and peaceful state without yoga. The need for drug therapy with possible side effects can be re-examined. Submitting oneself to Allah relieves the stress of the unknown and turns it all over to Him thereby relieving the individual of undue worries over the future. Through the process of Sujood a person will be absorbed with the infinite, with the immortal and with the outer hemisphere. When a person reaches such a state of complete communion with the Almighty, to the point that trembling, shaking, crying, or shuddering takes place, it is said that their Du’a’ is being accepted by Allah. It is also said that they are being forgiven by Allah for their mistakes, and finally, that their bodily diseases and especially their mental, neurological and psychological problems will be relieved with the Mercy and Will of Allah. All creatures prostrate to Allah. They glorify Him, exalt Him, and praise Him. Surah AlHajj states: “Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth - the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; And a great number among mankind?” (Qur’an 22:18) And in Al-Isra’: ´7KH\ IDOO GRZQ RQ WKHLU IDFHV ZHHSLQJ DQG LW LQFUHDVHV KXPLOLW\ LQ WKHP µ (Qur’an 17:109) And this promise from Allah, ´2 \RX ZKR EHOLHYH %RZ GRZQ DQG SURVWUDWH \RXUVHOYHV DQG ZRUVKLS \RXU /RUG DQG GR JRRG WKDW KDSSLO\ \RX PD\ SURVSHU µ (Qur’an 22:77) Prostration is good for us mentally, physically, and spiritually. We are the beneficiaries of performing Sujood. As in all aspects of Islamic life, the Holy Quran has answers for all problems and conditions of mankind. [Specific Areas: Brain areas are associated with specific functions...For example; the occipital lobe is associated with vision, and the cerebellumwith balance and coordination. Touch and pressure sensation is perceived within the post central gyrus. Muscle movements are controlled from the precentral gyrus, speech is controlled from an area in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere.] [Lobes: are broad surface regions of each hemisphere that are named after the overlying bones of the skull. The four main regions are the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.] Editors Note: 'U $KPDG + 6DNU UHWXUQHG WR KLV /RUG RQ 0RQGD\ 1RYHPEHU UG 0D\ $OODK VZW VKRZHU KLP ZLWK +LV PHUF\ +H KDG ZULWWHQ RYHU ILIW\ VL[ ERRNV DQG ERRNOHWV QRW FRXQWLQJ WKH LQQXPHUDEOH DUWLFOHV KH KDV DXWKRUHG DQG SXEOLVKHG For more information RQ KLV ERRNV please JR WR ZZZ DKPDGVDNU FRP