The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 26

The Islamic Bulletin Volume XX No. 26 Page 3 There are many, many Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world who, due to various negative influences and bad elements, find themselves ‘de-railed’ from Deen (Religion). Many others sit on the fence, wanting to enjoy or benefit from both sides of the fence – engaging in sins as well as being practical on certain teachings of Deen. However, deep in their hearts is the desire to get back on track, and once again become good, practical Muslims; to jump off the fence and enjoy the green pastures of Islam. A standard prescription that I give as a reply is as follows. Alhamdulillah, many who followed through with the prescription have found a whole new life – of peace, happiness, blessings and mercy. Once a believer tastes the sweetness that comes with obedience, there is no desire to return to any form of disobedience. As Muslims, we should: •Abstain from committing sins, out of love for Allah SWT. He has granted us so much – He has granted us everything and it is the nature of human beings that we love whosoever is kind and generous to us. Then what of Allah SWT who has provided us with everything? The sight, hearing, speech, the organs that are functioning in such an amazing manner, the limbs - all in our service – for eating, drinking, walking, sitting, etc. The gifts of wealth: the clothing, shelter, transport, food, drink, and so many other comforts. We use them all, but do we keep in mind, the Generous Benefactor? Do we give thanks for these bounties or show any appreciation to the Giver? •Develop the conscious awareness that Allah SWT is always with us: He watches us, He hears us and He knows all and everything about us. We cannot hide from Him and we cannot conceal our actions from Him. Then should we not feel ashamed that in His Presence, we are disobeying Him? Are we not showing ingratitude to the Benefactor, when engaging in sins in His very Presence? •Ponder over the fact that Allah SWT has blessed us with the gift of sight, hearing, health, wealth, etc. However, what He gives, He can also take away and stated that ingratitude for His Gifts will draw very severe punishment. •Keep in mind that the angels are also witnesses to all our actions; that the earth is recording our behavior and it is documented in our books of deeds. On the Day of Judgment we will all be held accountable to Allah SWT for the actions and deeds that that we have committed. •Muraqabah is meditating on the actions that we have engaged in during the day: We should reflect over our deeds for the day and seek forgiveness for shortcomings and resolve not to take part in reenacting the same bad deeds. We will develop shame and modesty which will make it easy to restrain from Haraam (forbidden) things. We should also express gratitude on good deeds and make dua to Allah SWT that we continue to do take part in carrying out those actions. •Ponder over the fact that the Angel of Death does not give respite. How would it be if while one were obeying the nafs (self, ego) in sinful pleasure, the Angel of Death visits and makes the departure not only a disgrace, but returns the human being to Allah SWT at a time when He is extremely angry. May Allah SWT protect us all from death in a state of transgression. •Death is inevitable – and often, unexpected. No true Muslim would want to be seized by the Angel of Death when Allah SWT is displeased. So many things on the market are instant (instant coffee, tea, noodles, etc.) very much like death. So any sin is too much of a risk in the face of the reality of death. The Hadith is explicit: We will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment as we have died and we will die as we have lived. Would any Muslim want to rise up on the Day of Judgment in sin, for all of mankind to witness what kind of life he led? Contemplating on the consequences of sinful behavior and putting a little bit of Mujahada (effort), which entails ‘not doing’, will Inshallah result in having our sicknesses are cured. Together with this: -Attend the talks of the learned Scholars of Islam whenever possible, and/or listen to recordings of their talks and read their books to benefit from pious, righteous company. -Make the effort to pray punctually. Men should make every effort to make their Salaah in Jamaat (congregation). -Read good, Islamic literature. Abstain from magazines or books that have filthy and indecent contents and pictures. -Give up television viewing. …90% of the content is Haraam (forbidden). If a person offers a full glass of clean and pure water, and mentions that there is just one drop of urine, would any sensible person, drink it? Then when the major content of television is Haraam, what should then say? When the gaze, heart and mind are consuming and digesting so much of Haraam viewing, what else would be the end result except indulgence in the same Haraam. -Lower the gaze from the opposite sex. -Dress as a Muslim should – A person with this appearance will think a hundred times before engaging in an open sin, when he is being recognized as someone who must be very pious. So this attire and appearance will offer a protection, Inshallah. By doing these few things, you have won more than half the battle. And it is not as difficult as Shaytaan and nafs whisper and try to pull you off of the right path. A little courage, a little effort and a little sacrifice are all that is required. May Allah SWT grant us His Love, such that it becomes easy to give up all sins and submit to His Obedience. May He protect us all from the mischief of Nafs and Shaytaan. May He fill our hearts with Love for this beautiful Deen and inspire us in being a practical and good Muslims and be true role-models to our community. GIVING UP SINS: AN EASY PRESCRIPTION